Boatyard and Marina Operations
Boatyard and Marina Operations
From a small sailing yacht to container vessels, the Boatyard and Marina Operations training courses cover all aspects of working in a boatyard or marina. So, from best practices to understanding the high risk operations such as hot works, it aims to give students the understanding to operate across this sector. Importantly, course authors are experts through both knowledge and experience and have seen when things go right as well as very wrong.
Who Is The Course Suitable For?
Those wanting to work in a supervisory or management role within a boatyard or marina would benefit greatly from this course.
Call us on +44 (0)23 9228 7828 for more information.
Available Courses
All our Boatyard and Marina Operations training courses can be delivered at a training centre in the UK, or we are also able to deliver them on-site at your premises, on-board your vessel or in a suitable location of your choosing.
Below are the ten Boatyard and Marina Operations training courses we currently have available, in addition we specialise in bespoke training and course design so if you do not see a course that fulfils your specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.
• Introduction to Boatyard and Marina Operations
• Types and Descriptions of Vessels
• Yacht Boatyard and Marina Operations
• Commercial Vessel Boatyard Operations
• Project Managing Refits and Builds
• Legal Aspects Associated with a Boatyard or Marina
• Boatyard and Marina Policies and Procedures
• Boatyard and Marina Development
• Running a Successful Boatyard or Marina
• Accidents and Incidents - Prevention and Cure
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Distanced Learning Course
If you would like to complete a full 12 month distance learning diploma covering all the topics above, please click below for details.

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